In 2016, what if we …

whistled in the early mornings …  (klik and Play)


offered our hand to the taunters,

admitted to the misfits that they paint the world,

allowed the lovers the ”high voltage”,

bathed the cold-hearted in sunlight,

let the tired rest,

enabled “the stars” to see themselves reflected in the mirror,

offered a meal to the hungry,

gave water to the thirsty,

sat with the abandoned and listened to the stories being whispered,

and what if we allowed

the growing their changes,

those who blossom to cheer us up,

the fluffies their softness,

the weeds to ennoble the culturally minded,

the pretenders that they are right,

the evergreens their wisdom,

the weirdos a different insight,

the old-fashioned hearts a place in their garden,

the morning dew to wash the earth,

the deposits to express themselves,

the slow to reach their goals.

What if we welcomed the youth in coexistence,

allowed water to cool us in scorching heat,

danced in the cold,

bravely barged into someone’s space

and mostly, what if we always believed that we can do it.

Best of luck in 2016!

Special thanks to Lili and Neža for the translation.

Dragi Neža in Lilijana, najlepša hvala za prevod!


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