S sovrstniki iz Nemčije (Neu Anspach), Francije (Saint Florent sur Chers) in Šentjurja po poti S klopce na klopco do Slivniškega jezera

Napovedal se nam je obisk mladih iz Nemčije in Francije ter njihovih gostiteljev iz Šentjurja. Odločili smo se, da jim predstavimo naš kraj, Gorico pri Slivnici.

In kako se bomo sporazumevali?

V angleščini, da bomo različni, a enaki, ko se bomo morali vsi truditi v tujem jeziku 😉

Z učenci smo pripravili predstavitev kraja v angleščini. Bili so zelo motivirani in delo je bilo hitro končano. Komaj smo čakali, da pridejo gostje k nam na popoldanski obisk 🙂

Najprej smo jih prijazno sprejeli pred našo šolo.

Amadej in  Aljaž sta jim predstavila naš kraj.
1-DSCF4960“The local community Slivnica pri Celju measures 23.6 km2 and is located in the southeastern part of the Šentjur municipality. It connects the major settlements Gorica pri Slivnici,









1-DSC00192Vezovje and Voduce, which all have their own village community centres.

The local community centre has moved from Slivnica on the hill,


where there was an administrative-school-parish centre for a long time, to Gorica in the valley,


where there are now a post office, a primary school, a kindergarten, a local office, a cultural centre, and a fire station. Due to its favourable geographical and traffic location, Gorica grows continuously.


With its 557 inhabitants it is the largest settlement and the centre of the local community. However, in other parts of the local community people are becoming more and more aware of the quality of life in a natural environment as well. They decide to stay in the region, which brings life energy to the whole local community.

There are numerous natural and cultural features in this part of Šentjur municipality: the river Voglajna flows through Gorica, the highest hill is 670-metres-high Vrhe above Paridol, with other notable high hills Gaj,






Sveta Helena


and Col,




which are adorned with houses, vineyard cottages, vineyards,

1-DSCF8933churches, or some remains which tell the story of those who lived here long before us. Near Gorica pri Slivnici there is the artificial lake Slivniško jezero,


which has been nicknamed by the locals as the Kozjansko Sea.”

(VIR: Vodnik po planinski rekreativno-učni poti S klopce na klopco, str. 48)


“Today we are going to visit this lake. 1-DSCF2090We are going to take the alpine recreational-learning route to get there. The route is called “S klopce na klopco”, which means “From Bench to Bench.”


In the year 2007, the benches were put on four surrounding hills. The marked route was made in 2012 and it is more than 20 kilometres long. Today we are going to get to know a part of this route.

We are going to separate in 2 groups. The first group is going to climb Gradišče, the other Peseke.

The door of our school is also open to you. So before we go hiking, you can enter our school and get the impression what our school life looks like. We are going to meet here again after 15 minutes.”

Pa smo šli …


1-DSCF4966Bil je res vroč dan, a je vseeno šlo hitro navzgor, kjer nas je pričakal
1-DSCF4972 razgled na Slivniško jezero.1-DSCF4980Kaja in Anja sta tudi tokrat več kot odlično opravili svoje delo. Tokrat kot lokalni vodnici v angleščini. Bravo dekleti!1-DSCF4984In gostje so jima z zanimanjem prisluhnili.1-DSCF49851-DSCF4988

“We have arrived on Gradišče.

The name of the hill Gradišče shows us that this elevation was once a building or a settlement that protected its inhabitants from attacks in the past.

Around the highest, northeast top of Gradišče (441m), there is an oval ditch, which is a couple of hundreds metres long and all covered with forests. Most likely we are standing on a very old late-antique settlement of our ancestors. Sadly, the place hasn’t been archaeologically researched yet.

There is one more interesting thing for the astro-archaeology lovers: if we draw all the peaks on the map and match them, we get Orion’s shape, and right now we are standing on its path. That means we are standing on a spot, which has some unexplored secrets and so stirs our imagination. And from where we are standing right now, we can enjoy the mostbeautiful view of the lake Slivniško jezero.1-DSCF4981

Slivniško jezero or – as the local people call it – the Kozjansko sea is an artificial lake.


It was formed by people in 1976, when a dam was built in Tratna. The lake was formed to provide water for the ironworks Štore Steel, but because of technology progress it was never used in that way. Today the lake is mostly used to reduce the flooding of the Voglajna River, and also as one of the best and most popular fishing spots. Before we go down to the lake, you are invited to write your name in the visitors’ book.

From here we could continue hiking, admire unspoiled nature as well as rare and endangered animal and plant species. We could go on three more peaks with wonderful views, and after about five hours of hiking, we would be back in Gorica.”

No, mi tokrat nismo šli “S klopce na klopco”, pač pa smo se samo spustili do našega tokratnega cilja 🙂

1-DSCF4989 1-DSCF4993

Navzdol do našega cilja, Slivniškega jezera, je šlo hitreje in še bolj veselo 🙂1-DSCF4995 1-DSCF4997

Ob jezeru pa so nas že pričakali ribiči Ribiške družine Voglajna in mladi ribiči, ki so se gostom predstavili in jim omogočili, da tudi sami poskusijo svojo ribiško srečo.

“On Gradišče and Peseki, you already heard about the formation of the lake. As already said the lake is artificial and it was formed when a dam was built in Tratna. At the site where the dam stands, the water can reach the depth of 12 metres. Otherwise the lake’s average depth is about 2 metres, and its width from 250 to 500 metres. To get around the lake, you would have to walk 8 kilometres.


The eastern part of the lake, where the streams Drobinski potok and Ločnica meet with the lake is an informal protected reserve for birds and fish. 20 years ago we could see here 119 different types of birds, 32 types of fish, crabs, lampreys, frogs and shells. There are many rare and protected animal species in the lake and all around it. The lake offers a habitat for many rare plants. Their diversity and abundance have been changing all the time.


Unspoiled nature and the peace by the lake attract numerous visitors every year. IMG_7131It is specially popular among fishermen who keep on visiting us and are our regular guests.


Slivnica lake mostly attracts pike-, carp- and catfish-lovers. As a bait we normally use boilies and corn. We fish with ground-system and fishing float.


The heaviest caught catfish weighed 95 kilograms, and the heaviest caught carp 28 kilograms.

An interesting fact is that all carps that weigh more than 20 kilograms have their own names.


From its very beginning, the lake has been looked after by Voglajna angling club, and many of our students are also members of this club.

DSC_1308Today we are going to show you different ways to catch fish in Slivnica lake, and you can join us at fishing and try your fishing luck.DSC_1307

Those of you who are still full of energy and willing to move, are invited to the playground. And everybody can order a drink at Ramna plaža.”


Čas je čisto prehitro minil. Navezali smo stike, si izmenjali kontakte in že so šli. Upamo, da z lepimi spomini in da se seveda še kdaj srečamo 🙂



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